Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not yet come. We have only today. Let us begin.
— Mother Teresa

N.E.W. Therapies & Botanicals

May you feel…



For your wellbeing, my intention is to take important precautions to ensure a sanitary and safe space for every session.

I employ a filter system to purify the air, sanitize surfaces, and support mask-wearing, as needed or desired.

My Services

Therapeutic Massage/Bodywork + Healing Add-on Therapies

One of the greatest gifts we can give ourselves is the gift of massage. When we allow ourselves to stop and receive, we give ourselves the chance to unwind, let go and make new needed space in our beings and ultimately our lives. With this, we re-member our wholeness. My job is to hold space for the absolute best outcome of the fullness of health to arise. I do this by finding and removing the restrictions, blocks and held patterns within the body and assisting the body in becoming as fluid as possible - helping you to discover your natural in-born vitality again and bring yourself back to centeredness, calm, clarity and openness, one session at a time. Any combination of Swedish, Deep Tissue, Neuro-Muscular Technique, Myofascial Therapy, Chi Nei Tsang Abdominal Work, Stretching, Breathing Exercises, or Acu-Pressure may be employed. Add-ons may include Hot Stone &/or Heat Therapy, Abhyanga Deep-Healing Warm-Oil Application, Aromatherapy, &/or Sound Therapy.

CranioSacral Therapy

Craniosacral therapy is very subtle and gentle and yet extremely powerful. This light myofascial treatment operates on the premise that it can release restrictions, relieving pain and dysfunctional holding patterns in the soft tissues that surround the central nervous system that make up the brain and spinal cord. This can look like chronic pain, sports injuries, stroke, to neurological impairment. This modality can also bolster resistance to disease, enhancing the body’s ability to self-correct. I am at the beginning stages of my learning, yet I feel I have a lot to offer and am happy to integrate this body of knowledge into our sessions together.

Sound Healing/Curanderismo

Inspired through the honored earth-based traditions of Central and South American healing ways, of which I have been practicing and integrating for over 18 years in the path work of medicinal plant study from North and South America, the local New Mexican SongCarriers tradition, and the Ollintlahuimetztli Moondance tradition in Mexico, I offer support in soulful embodiment. By grounding into our bodies and breath, rooting in/connecting with life-force, setting our soulful intentions, invoking benevolent energies to come in & support, clearing the way, opening the senses, and bathing the energy field with sound vibration, smoke, aroma, and prayer, together we are able to cleanse the life force and elevate the spirit to a higher level for greater health and wellbeing.

Ayurvedic Postpartum Doula Holistic Home Care & Deep-Healing Warm-Oil Massage (Abhyanga)

Following the births of my two baby girls, I was called to learn natural healing methods and time-held wisdom traditions to support mamas in restoring strength, balance and vitality after birth. This led me to study Ayurveda for Women, apprentice in the lineage of Ayurveda’s 40 day Sacred Window and become a Postpartum Doula. Ayurveda is an ancient, holistic health care tradition that has been practiced for at least 5000 years in India, translated as the knowledge or science of life. Through comforting counsel, help with daily schedule planning, specific healing foods, potent homemade herbal formulas, deep-healing warm oil massage, baby massage instruction, breastfeeding counsel and placenta care/encapsulation, I assist in bringing loving, vital care and support for the family when it is needed most. When the mother is mothered during this transitional and vulnerable 40 day window, long-term health is built & fortified for the next 40 years of her life.

Flower Essence Therapy Consultations/Customized Formulas

Flower Essence Therapy is vibrational medicine, a soul imprint of individual plants that is magnified through the life-force of the flower. This medicine has been used for centuries and is utilized to help people find emotional, mental, physical and spiritual balance. We all have areas of our life that we are working on, and flower essences can help. They can strengthen those qualities in us that are weak or blocked, and moderate attributes which are excessive/extreme. They can be activated for support with addiction, nervous system dysfunctions, trauma, insecurities or different forms of negative patterning, and can help us create and become our highest, most embodied, creative and authentic selves. I have 140 flowers to work from.


I am happy to offer lovely, useful & unique homemade products to our local community and beyond. They are made with Love from the the cleanest, highest-quality and locally-sourced ingredients and materials I can find and come in their purest form from the bountiful beauty of the earth. You can try my homemade goat milk&local honey shampoo bars made from goats I milk and honey from my neighbor, luxurious face and body cream that our New Mexican desert skin loves, micaceous shimmery body butter that comes in 5 shades reminiscent of the desert sandstone cliffs and evening sunsets scented with essential oils and potentized with flower essences, or try a pair of my corn goddess hoop earrings made from rainbow corn I grow annually and czeck glass beads. You can find these products, and more, at :


The Heart is at the Center of it All…